Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spotlight on EtsyRain

I've decided Wednesday's will be the day that I highlight a fellow EtsyRain member and what better way to start than with the "A's".

Funny enough Art By Norm isn't art made by a guy named Norm at all, but a wonderful artist named Heidi. The mischievous looking little guy Heidi has brought to life through her paintings (and more recently through felted figures, clay, and fabric) always has a different story to tell. Whether Norm is at the beach or just playing around he is sure to make you smile.

I think Heidi describes her muse best, "Norm is a smirk in a world of sighs." Check out Norm/Heidi's Etsy shop through the link above and also her blog.

1 comment:

IMakeCuteStuff (aka Marlo M.) said...

What a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday! Great idea to give yourself weekly assignments like that. Otherwise you end up with a sad lonely blog like desperate need of new content :P Great Job!!!

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." ~ John Barrymore